International influence
strategic benchmarkFocus area 1
We exert decisive influence on the European collaboration.
Focus area 2
We form bilateral partnerships that deliver results.
The legislation in the area of medicines and medical devices is European, and we collaborate to a great extent with other countries on matters of authorisation, control, reimbursement, monitoring of side effects and much more. It is therefore essential that we maintain our international involvement and collaboration to ensure high-standard and harmonised administrative processes in the EU while asserting Danish influence on the regulatory framework being discussed and developed in the EU and in other international forums, such as IMDRF, WHO etc., all having a major impact on the Danish life sciences ecosystem and on patient safety.
At the European level, we will focus on our activities in various committees, working groups and coordination groups, e.g. in the European Commission, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), the Competent Authorities for Medical Devices (CAMD), and the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) so that we can follow and develop the regulatory framework for medicines and medical devices. We must take a leading role in European collaborations in new areas, build a closer Nordic collaboration as well as strengthen and expand our bilateral working arrangements with other administrations and activities at the global level to ensure efficient knowledge sharing and Danish influence.
We must follow the global development on sustainability and requirements for new environmental and climate-friendly solutions in the healthcare area. We must be actively involved in the work to reduce the environmental footprint of medicines and medical devices and in the development of a flexible environment for conversion of e.g. the pharmaceutical production to assume responsibility for sustainable health services jointly with the Danish life sciences sector.
We will increase our influence at the European level and take a key role in European collaboration
Mette Aaboe Hansen, Deputy Director