FAQ about companies’ reporting
How do we submit reports?
1. Reporting – how do we submit reports?
You can submit your reports by using this e-form (in Danish) on our website.
Before you log in to the e-form, please download, save and fill in the Reporting template (in Danish). To submit your report to the Danish Medicines Agency, you log in to the e-form, attach the filled in Excel sheet and send the report.
Please check that the email address is correct. We will send a confirmation, including any questions, by email to the email address you have stated.
2. Do we have to use a specific template for the reporting?
Please use this template (in Danish).
You should save the template before you fill it in.
When you fill in the template, please do not change or add columns, and do not change headings and cell formats. When its filled you attach it to the e-form Report a relationship with healthcare professionals (e-form) (in Danish).
3. Can we make a combined reporting with our associated companies?
The reporting obligation applies to:
- Companies authorised under section 7(1) (marketing authorisation) or section 39(1) (company authorisation) of the Danish Medicines Act. Public hospitals and AMGROS, the pharmaceutical procurement service for the five regional authorities in Denmark, are not covered by the rules.
- The rules apply to manufacturers that market medical devices in classes IIa, IIb or III, in vitro diagnostic medical devices or active implantable medical devices, representatives of manufacturers of this type of products as well as importers and distributors of this type of products that are established in Denmark.
- The rules apply to stores established in Denmark and specialised in the sale of medical devices in classes IIa, IIb or III, in vitro diagnostic medical devices or active implantable medical devices, and representatives of such stores. A store is a specialised distributor if medical devices account for more than 50% of the store’s product range and turnover.
Only these companies are obliged to submit a report about healthcare professionals who have had a relationship with the company. Each company only needs to submit a report about the persons who have had a relationship with the company.
A company, which is not comprised by the above definitions, will not be covered by the rules on relationships just because another company of the group is covered by the rules.
A Danish unit of a foreign company can ease the work of the foreign company
If a company has a Danish unit (e.g. a foreign parent company with a Danish subsidiary), the Danish unit can ease the work of the foreign company by completing the required information and sending the required information to the foreign company, which can then submit the completed information to us.
4. Delegated to third-party companies – do we have to submit a report?
These companies are covered by the reporting obligation and the duty to inform.
The rules also apply if one of these companies delegates a task to a third party, for example a contract organisation or consultancy firm. In such cases, there is a relationship with the pharmaceutical or medical device company or the store specialised in the sale of medical device that delegated the task.
Consequently, the company that delegated the task must submit reports of proprietary pharmacists, doctors, nurses, dentists, prescribing pharmacists and midwives (only medical device companies) who have carried out work for the company via a third party.
5. Duty to inform - do we have to inform the healthcare professional about the information we have reported?
Simultaneously with the reporting to the Danish Medicines Agency, the company must inform the relevant proprietary pharmacists, doctors, nurses, midwives, prescribing pharmacists and dentists of the contents of the report (the information about the person reported to the Danish Medicines Agency).
You can read more about companies’ duty to inform under sections 2 (when establishing a relationship) and 3 (when reporting to the Danish Medicines Agency).
6. Deadline for the reporting - when do we have to submit the report?
Reporting must be made once a year no later than 31 January.
What do we have to report?
7. Which professional groups should we report?
If a proprietary pharmacist, doctor, nurse, dentist. midwive or prescribing pharmacist carries out a professional task for a pharmaceutical company, medical device company or store specialised in the sale of medical device, this is considered a relationship. The type of business determines which healthcare professionals the company needs to report:
- Pharmaceutical companies must report information on doctors, dentists, proprietary pharmacists, nurses and midwives and prescribing pharmacist who have had a relationship with the company concerned in the past calendar year.
Nurses and midwifes must only be reported for relations after the 1st July 2024.
- Medical device companies must report information on doctors, nurses, dentists and proprietary pharmacists who have had a relationship with the company concerned in the past calendar year.
- Reporting by stores specialised in the sale of medical devices must include information on doctors who have had a relationship with the store concerned in the past calendar year.
8. Is it considered a relationship if a healthcare professional makes a presentation at a meeting in a company but does not receive any payment?
Yes, this is considered a relationship whether or not the healthcare professional receives payment for the specialist services provided. If a proprietary pharmacist, doctor, midwive, nurse, or dentist carries out work for a pharmaceutical or medical device company, it will be considered a relationship. The company must report the relationship to the Danish Medicines Agency whether or not any payment is made.
The same applies to stores specialised in the sale of medical devices that have relationships with doctors.
9. Do we have to report healthcare professionals who receive financial support?
Yes, if your company pays the expenses of a specialist or healthcare professional participating in professionally relevant activities abroad (congress, symposium, course, conference, supplementary training etc.), it should be reported to the Danish Medicines Agency.
Companies only have a duty to inform when they accept to give financial support to: bioanalysts, veterinarians, pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, midwives, clinical dieticians, doctors, radiographers, nurses, social and healthcare assistants, dentists, veterinary nurses and students within these professions. Moreover, certain specialists are covered by the rules, read more in section 2
Note that financial support and relationships are two different things regulated by two different sets of rules:
- Financial support means support given to a specialist or healthcare professional by a pharmaceutical or medical device company for the payment of any direct expenses (e.g. transportation, accommodation or registration fees) in connection with the person’s participation in for instance a course abroad.
The specialist or healthcare professional does not carry out any work for the company but receives professional information and training abroad.
- If a proprietary pharmacist, doctor, nurse, midwive, prescribing pharmacist or dentist carries out a professional task, for example participation in an advisory board or presentation at a congress for a company, this is considered a relationship. This is the case regardless of whether the work is carried out in Denmark or abroad.
10. Previously, healthcare professionals having only one relationship (e.g. one presentation) should not be reported. Is that still the case?
Generally, all relationships must be reported to the Danish Medicines Agency. This applies to single relationships as well as long-term relationships.
11. Who should be reported in relations to a clinical trial or a clinical investigation of medical devices?
In relations to a clinical trial or a clinical investigation of medical devices, companies are obligated to report the doctors, nurses, dentists, proprietary pharmacists and prescribing pharmacists and midwives (only in relations to a pharmaceutical company), who has the overall responsibility during the clinical trial. That means the primary investigator and others with similar responsibilities.
Subinvestigators and others with similar tasks, should not be reported, unless they receive payment for their work.
12. Do we have to report participation in panel debates?
If you arrange (or co-arrange with the media, a patient association or other organisation or via an agency/consultancy firm) panel debates open to the public about general health issues and a proprietary pharmacist, doctor, nurse, midwive (only in relation to pharmaceutical companies) prescribing pharmacist (only in relation to medical device companies) or dentist participates in the panel, this is considered a relationship that must be reported to the Danish Medicines Agency.
You also need to report the healthcare professional’s participation if the debate is arranged by the media, a patient association or other organisation or via an agency/consultancy firm, and your company supports the debate financially and funds from your company are used to make a payment to a proprietary pharmacist, doctor, nurse, midwife (only in relation to pharmaceutical companies) prescribing pharmacist (only in relation to medical device companies) or dentist.
13. Do companies and stores have to report healthcare professionals who own securities in the company concerned?
No, companies do not have to report relationships concerning ownership of securities (see the Danish executive order no. 693 of 3 July 2019 on healthcare professionals’ relationships with pharmaceutical and medical device companies and stores specialised in the sale of medical devices) (in Danish).
14. Home address - Is it sufficient to report information about the healthcare professional's workplace?
No, according to the Danish executive order no. 879 af 28. juni 2024 on healthcare professionals’ relationships with pharmaceutical and medical device companies and stores specialised in the sale of medical devices it is no longer required that you report the healthcarepersons private address.
15. We have collaborated with the same healthcare professional several times. Do we have to enter a start date and end date every time we have collaborated with the healthcare professional?
You only have to enter one period. If a healthcare professional has had several relationships with your company, please state the start date of the first relationship and the end date of the last relationship.
16. Is it safe to send personal data, such as civil registration numbers of healthcare professionals, in the reports?
Companies submit reports to the Danish Medicines Agency via an e-form which is available on our website. By way of this e-form, we make sure that the report is actually submitted by the company and that data is sent in a secure way.
Technical problems related to the reporting
17. I cannot log in to the e-form with NemID
You have to use your employee digital signature (key file) to report a relationship with healthcare professionals.
If you experience problems when you log in to the e-form, it may be due to the following:
- you use an outdated browser (e.g. Internet Explorer 8). In that case, please try a later version or another browser (e.g. Google Chrome).
- the employee digital signature is not working. Make sure that you use the employee certificate (key file). Please contact NemID if you cannot log in to the e-form using the key file.
You can read more about NemID business and get an employee certificate (key file) via NemID erhverv
18. We are a foreign company and do not have NemID. How do we submit reports?
Reporting by foreign companies
Companies which dont have a danish registration number must submit the report for financial support and relaitonships with this form