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More clinical trials in Denmark

09 August 2016

Last year, the Danish Medicines Agency received 329 applications for authorisation of clinical trials of medicines in humans – 45 applications more than in 2014. The figures appear from the Danish Medicines Agency’s annual report on clinical trials.

The increase in the number of applications is the result of more commercial and non-commercial trials, reflecting a higher research activity level both in industry and the public sector.

The annual report also shows that the number of phase I trials has doubled and that the cancer field is the most frequent therapeutic area within clinical trials of medicines.  

”The Danish Medicines Agency is very satisfied with the increase in clinical trial in Denmark. To be an attractive country for clinical trials of medicines is a very important element in the Danish government’s ambitions to make Denmark a leading life science nation. The Danish Medicines Agency is looking forward to continuing the dialogue and cooperation with the various players within clinical research in order to strengthen Denmark’s position in this field,” says Thomas Senderovitz, Director General of the Danish Medicines Agency.


Annual report 2015 - Clinical trials of medicines