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Which medicines are affected by the reimbursement change?

12 July 2010

The change comprises medicinal products of the antacid type, H2 receptor antagonists, the medicinal products sucralfate and misoprostol as well as two medicinal products from the group of proton pump inhibitors. The table below lists the reimbursement status for all medicinal products in the group of medicinal products for the treatment of heartburn, sour eructations and ulcers, listed here with the name of the active substances – regardless whether the reimbursement status of the medicinal product is changed or unchanged. The actual names of the medicinal products can be seen in the factbox to the right.

Reimbursements as of 15 November 2010 for medicinal products for the treatment of heartburn, sour eructations and ulcers (A02).

Medicinal product group (A02)

Active substance and combinations

Reimbursement status as of 15 November 2010

Proton pump inhibitors


General reimbursement (unchanged)
For low strengths and small pack sizes over the counter: Conditional reimbursement (unchanged)


No general reimbursement (new)

H2 receptor antagonists


No general reimbursement (new)



No general reimbursement (new)

A02A, antacids

Various combinations

No general reimbursement (unchanged)

Other drugs

Alginic acid

No general reimbursement (unchanged)

General reimbursement means that reimbursement is automatically granted when the general practitioner prescribes the medicinal product.

No general reimbursement means that patients must pay the full amount themselves.

The factbox contains a link to an alphabetical listing of the medicinal products in ATC group A02 for which the reimbursement status is changed as of 15 November 2010 with indication of the new reimbursement status.

For further information
, please contact Head of Department for Reimbursement Karen Kolenda on tel. +45 4488 9348.