Annual report of the Danish Medicines Agency: The COVID-19 pandemic had a considerable impact on our work in 2020.
| 26 April 2021 |
The year 2020 was a year like no other at the Danish Medicines Agency. Both internally and externally, the handling of COVID-19 had a decisive impact on much of our work. However, we managed to retain our European position and to carry through an important reinforcement of our IT landscape, so concludes the Danish Medicines Agency’s annual report for 2020.
EMA: Possible link between the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and unusual symptoms
| 21 April 2021 |
There is a possible link between the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and unusual symptoms with a combination of blood clots in unusual sites, low levels of blood platelets and several cases of bleeding. A few cases have been observed in the USA. The frequency of these unusual symptoms is still being investigated.
EMA to undertake a review of data as to the AstraZeneca vaccine’s efficacy in preventing COVID-19 disease
| 15 April 2021 |
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is undertaking a review of vaccination data of the COVID-19 vaccine from AstraZeneca. The review will include infection rates, hospitalisations, morbidity and mortality. The EMA will also prepare a recommendation for those who have received the first dose of the vaccine.
EMA: The AstraZeneca vaccine possibly causes rare, serious symptoms – but remains authorised for use
| 08 April 2021 |
An expert committee formed by the EMA has now concluded that it is possible that the rare cases of blood clots combined with low levels of platelets and bleeding are caused by the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. It is maintained, however, that the benefits of using the vaccine still outweigh any possible risks.