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New Tech – new technological possibilities and medical devices

Updated 12 October 2020

The new generation of medical devices

Apps, telemedicine, wearables (smartwatches, etc.), robots and artificial intelligence, also called AI, are examples of emerging health technologies that offer new opportunities for the public, patients and the entire healthcare sector.

The development of health technologies is fast, and the Danish Medicines Agency (DKMA) is monitoring and supporting the development and is identifying its potentials for use so that Denmark can offer the best and highest possible quality of healthcare in the health service.

Support for manufacturers of medical technological devices

To support the development of health technologies, the DKMA is pleased to assist small companies and large manufacturers of health technological software or medical devices with clarification of the current rules and standards applicable in the area. 

Safe medical devices

The fast technological development of medical devices is favourable, but it is essential that all medical devices on the market are safe to use.

New technologies and data must be used responsibly.

The control of new health technologies’ handling of patient information, the correctness of autonomous algorithms and decision support are new and important focus areas. By approving clinical investigations, monitoring the market, handling incidents with medical devices, inspecting companies and being active in international working parties on new technology, the DKMA is working to ensure that the market for new health technologies is safe and secure.


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