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Compassionate use permits

Updated 24 October 2018

Dispensing of medicines not marketed in Denmark

In special circumstances and to a limited degree, we may authorise the sale or dispensing of medicines that are not marketed in Denmark. This requires a compassionate use permit for the medicine. Compassionate use permits are only issued for medicines manufactured by pharmaceutical companies.

Doctors, veterinarians and dentists may apply for a compassionate use permit for human and veterinary medicines

Application forms and guidelines for application for a compassionate use permit, human (in Danish only)

Application forms and guidelines for application for a compassionate use permit, veterinary (in Danish only)

You will receive a reply to the application by post. You must notify the pharmacy yourself by attaching a copy of the compassionate use permit to the prescription.

Applications for magistral medicines

We do not grant permission to use a magistral medicinal product (product prepared by a pharmacy). Instead we refer to our page on magistral medicinal products.