Supply of medicines in Denmark
| 22 July 2019 |
The Danish Medicines Agency is receiving an increasing number of enquiries regarding problems with the supply of certain medicines in Denmark. The supply shortage is not critical but it is challenging and an inconvenience for the general public, medical professionals and pharmacies alike. The Danish…
Supply of cannabis oil from Stenocare affected in Denmark
| 12 July 2019 |
Several consignments of cannabis oil from the Danish firm Stenocare have been placed in quarantine and taken off the market because the cannabis used in the oil was cultivated in non-approved facilities. The supply of cannabis oil in Denmark will therefore be affected.
Danish Medicines Agency strengthens its policy on conflicts of interest
| 05 July 2019 |
New staff members of the Danish Medicines Agency are not permitted to own shares in pharmaceutical or medical device companies. Currently employed staff will be asked to divest any shares within two years. This appears from the agency’s internal policy on conflicts of interest, which enters…
Good progress in Denmark-China collaboration
| 01 July 2019 |
The Danish Medicines Agency’s collaboration with the Chinese drug regulatory authorities has entered a new phase, reaching agreement on specific collaboration projects among which a project on quality control of radiopharmaceuticals.