Notifications about medicines to healthcare professionals
Status on the drug regulatory authorities’ investigation of blood clots after vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine
| 18 March 2021 |
The European Medicines Agency, EMA, and the drug regulatory authorities in Europe have reviewed reports of the rare and unusual symptoms of low levels of blood platelets, blood clots and bleeding after vaccination with the AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine. The conclusion is that the AstraZeneca vaccine is generally a safe and efficient vaccine, but that it cannot be ruled out that these symptoms may be caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine.
Drug regulatory authorities are investigating reports of blood clots after AstraZeneca vaccinations
| 11 March 2021 |
The Danish Medicines Agency together with the EMA and the other drug regulatory authorities in Europe have launched an investigation of the AstraZeneca vaccine after reports of blood clots in people given the vaccine. One report concerns the death of a person in Denmark. At present, there is no evidence to conclude that there is an association between the vaccine and the blood clots.