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You can still obtain reimbursement for your treatment

12 July 2010

Even though some medicinal products for the treatment of heartburn, sour eructations and ulcers lose their general reimbursement as of 15 November 2010, all patients will still be eligible for reimbursement for their treatment. For some patients, this will mean that they will have to switch to another medicinal product. If you are undergoing treatment with one of the medicinal products losing the reimbursement, you must talk to your general practitioner before 15 November – preferably the next time your prescription requires renewal.

The general practitioner may switch your treatment to one of the medicinal products omeprazole, lansoprazole or pantoprazole, which are cheaper and just as effective – in some cases even more effective.

If, in the opinion of the general practitioner, special reasons exist for not changing the treatment, he or she may apply to the Danish Medicines Agency for single reimbursement for the individual patient.

To ensure a smooth transition for those patients affected by the reimbursement changes, we encourage the pharmacists, when dispensing prescriptions for the affected medicinal products over the coming months, to ask their customers to talk to their general practitioner about their future treatment when their prescription is next up for renewal – and before 15 November.

For further information, please contact Head of Department for Reimbursement Karen Kolenda on tel. +45 4488 9348.