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Letter to scientific societies on treatment of hypertension

24 April 2006

ATC group C07, beta blocking agents, has been added to the previous announcement.

As part of the reassessment concerning medicinal products’ reimbursement status, the Danish Medicines Agency has begun looking at reimbursement status of medicinal products for hypertension.
The Reimbursement Committee has held a preliminary discussion. The committee primarily discussed a number of general circumstances concerning hypertension treatment in Denmark and in that context it wished to consult the relevant scientific societies.
The Danish Medicines Agency has contacted the following societies:

  • Danish Medical Society
  • Danish Hypertension Society
  • Danish Society of Cardiology
  • Danish Endocrine Society
  • Danish Society of Nephrology
  • Danish College of General Practitioners
  • Danish Society of Internal Medicine

The purpose is clarification of a range of questions regarding hypertension treatment and it is a necessary precondition for assessment of reimbursement aspects.

The letter to the scientific societies can be read via the box (in Danish only).

An evaluation of the hypertension area naturally includes the beta blockers and therefore they have been included in the preliminary assessments, cf. announcement of 22 November 2005 in the fact box to the right (in Danish only).

Once the Danish Medicines Agency has received answers from the societies, the answers and other relevant information and reviews, e.g. from abroad, will be presented to the Reimbursement Committee. It will probably take place at the committee meeting on 13 June 2006.

For further information, please contact Elisabeth Thomsen on tel.: +45 4488 9306.

The Danish Medicines Agency, 7 March 2006