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Medicines imported from abroad

Updated 16 March 2022

If, as a private individual, you import medicine to Denmark, there are certain rules that you should be aware of regardless of whether you buy the medicines online, have them sent to you by post or bring them into Denmark from abroad.

The table below summarises the rules on the medicines private individuals are allowed to import – click on the links in the table text to get a more detailed description.

Human medicines: 

From EU/EEA countries

From all other countries

Medicine brought into Denmark – in general

You can import medicines for personal use.

The medicine must be legal to sell in the country where it was bought.

Personal imports are allowed, but not more than a quantity corresponding to 3 months use.

The medicine must be legal to sell in the country where it was bought.

Medicine* sent by post – in general You can import medicines for personal use.

The medicine must be legal to sell in the country of dispatch.

Illegal to import for private individuals.

Medicines containing euphoriant substances on entry into Denmark

Imports for personal use are allowed, but not more than a quantity corresponding to 30 days of use.

Note! It is a good idea to carry documentation, e.g. a Schengen certificate (pill passport).

The medicine must be legal to sell in the country where it was bought.

Imports for personal use are allowed, but not more than a quantity corresponding to 30 days of use.

Note! It is a good idea to carry documentation, e.g. a copy of the prescription and purchase receipt.

The medicine must be legal to sell in the country where it was bought.

Medicine containing euphoriant substances sent by post

Illegal to import for private individuals

Illegal to import for private individuals.

Medicines containing substances on our doping list on entry into Denmark

To carry a doping substance, you must be able to prove that it has been prescribed to you by a doctor.

You should therefore enclose a copy of the receipt in the package. It is also a good idea to enclose the purchase receipt.

Please also see the general rules on bringing medicine into Denmark, which also apply here.

To carry a doping substance, you must be able to prove that it has been prescribed to you by a doctor.

You should therefore carry your prescription with you. It is also a good idea to carry the purchase receipt as well.

Please also see the general rules on bringing medicine into Denmark, which also apply here.

Medicine containing substances on our doping list sent by post

To possess a doping substance, you must be able to prove that it has been prescribed to you by a doctor.

You should therefore enclose a copy of the receipt in the package. It is also a good idea to enclose the purchase receipt.

Please also see the general rules on medicine sent by post, which also apply here.

Illegal to import for private individuals.

Veterinary medicines:

Medicine brought into Denmark
You are allowed to import veterinary medicines if the following three conditions are met:
• The medicine is for the prevention or treatment of diseases in animals you own;
• The medicine is sold legally to private individuals in the country it was bought in; and
• The medicine is not a prescription-only product in the country it was bought in. 
Illegal to import for private individuals.
Medicine sent by post

You are allowed to import veterinary medicines if the following three conditions are met:
• The medicine is for the prevention or treatment of diseases in animals you own;
• The medicine is sold by a distributor authorised to sell veterinary medicines online – these distributors are recognisable by a blue EU logo; and
• The medicine is not a prescription-only product in the country it was bought in.

Illegal to import for private individuals.

In this context, medicines mean products assessed to be medicines in Denmark. It can be prescription-only medicines, over-the-counter medicines as well as products categorised as food supplements by other countries but as medicines in Denmark.

The rules aim to protect your health

The medicines used by people in Denmark should be as safe and effective as possible. Medicines manufactured in countries in the EU and EEA are controlled and subjected to a very strict authorisation procedure. This procedure is crucial in ensuring that medicines work and contain what is declared on the pack. The packaging material of these products always gives information about the product and its side effects.

Unfortunately, medicines manufactured outside the EU and the EEA do not always meet these conditions. And the consequences could be very serious. In fact, these medicines could be ineffective or even worse, very dangerous to your health.

To counter these problems, special rules regulate the products and quantities that can be brought into Denmark from countries that are not part of the EU/EEA.

Travelling with medicines

If you are carrying medicines on travels abroad, please be aware that other rules may apply in the country you are visiting.

Usually, you will need to bring proof if your medicine is on the list of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances (euphoriant substances). If you are travelling to an EU/EEA country, you can order a Schengen certificate (pill passport) at your pharmacy.

If you need further guidance, please contact the embassy in the country you are travelling to.

When you return to Denmark, the rules described in the table above apply.

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