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Publications about pharmacies and sale of medicines

  • Report on action against the sale of illegal medicinal products on the internet 2007

    | 03 December 2007 |

    In September and October 2007, the Danish Medicines Agency launched an internet action against illegal medicinal products sold on the internet. The action was targeted at 86 products classified

  • Danes' buying of medicine on the internet and abroad – survey

    | 11 September 2007 |

    A recent survey conducted by the Danish Medicines Agency maintains that there is limited knowledge among the Danish people about the rules applicable to and the risks associated with buying medicine on the internet and abroad.

  • Investigation of pharmacy discounts

    | 09 February 2007 |

    Based on an approach from the Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Lif) in February 2006, the Ministry of the Interior and Health requested the Danish Medicines Agency to investigate whether any new discount arrangements were introduced in 2006 contrary to the rules in that area.