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Publications 2012

  • Annual report human on tissues and cells 2011

    | 07 December 2012 |

    The annual report for human tissues and cells for 2011 has been prepared pursuant to the Danish Tissue Act and is based on reports submitted by tissue establishments and gynaecology clinics in Denmark in the period January to December 2011.

  • Product defects and withdrawal of medicines 2011

    | 26 November 2012 |

    In 2011, 356 reports of medicinal product defects were registered, which is the highest number ever. The majority of the reports came from companies and other authorities and predominantly concerned defects on the package and packaging material and deviations from specifications.

  • Danish Medicines Agency's annual pharmacovigilance report 2011

    | 01 August 2012 |

    The annual pharmacovigilance report offers an insight into some of the pharmacovigilance work performed by the Danish Medicines Agency in 2011.

  • Annual report on clinical trials of medicines in humans 2011

    | 07 June 2012 |

    The Danish Health Authority has published its annual report 2011 on applications for clinical trials of medicines in humans.

  • Number of applications for individual reimbursement of medicines in 2011

    | 02 March 2012 |

    In 2011, the Danish Medicines Agency (now the Danish National Board of Health) reviewed approx. 103,000 applications for single reimbursement (about 7 % more than in 2010), approx. 26,000 applications for reimbursement for the chronically ill (about 30 % less than in 2010), approx. 12,000 applications for reimbursement for the terminally ill (about 3 % more than in 2010) and approx. 2,500 applications for increased reimbursement (about 12 % less than in 2010), cf. table 1.