Debate on research dissemination at the Danish Medicines Agency
| 28 September 2018 |
On 1 October, the Danish Medicines Agency and the Danish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology have invited a number of researchers, doctors and communication officers from research institutions throughout Denmark to a debate on how the findings of new health research can be disseminated most responsibly. The debate meeting can be followed live on the Danish Medicines Agency’s Facebook profile.
Drug agency from China visits Denmark
| 28 September 2018 |
A delegation from the Centre for Drug Evaluation under the China National Medical Products Administration visited the Danish Medicines Agency this week to discuss clinical trials and drug monitoring, among other things. The meeting at the Danish Medicines Agency is part of a Danish-Chinese collaboration under the auspices of the China-Denmark Food and Drug Regulatory Cooperation Centre, which was established with the signing of a collaboration agreement in May of last year, and which aims to strengthen regulatory efforts in the two countries.
Medicines of the future in focus at World Economic Forum
| 20 September 2018 |
Medicines of the future is one of the topics being debated at the meeting of the World Economic Forum, which is currently place right now in Tianjin in China. The Danish Medicines Agency is attending.
Danish Medicines Agency aces European benchmark survey
| 19 September 2018 |
The Danish Medicines Agency has just scored 4.5 of a possible 5 in the common-European survey known as the Benchmarking of European Medicines Agencies (BEMA). ”It's a really good result that will benefit all of us and may help raise the standard throughout Europe,” said the Danish health minister.
Contaminated valsartan has so far not caused an increased incidence of cancer cases in Denmark
| 13 September 2018 |
A Danish registry study has examined if the cancer incidence rate is higher among people treated with the blood pressure lowering medicine Valsartan, which due to the risk of contamination was recalled from the market in July 2018. The study concludes that no increased cancer incidence can be seen at present.
Safer prescription of blood thinning agents
| 04 September 2018 |
A collaboration between pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies and authorities has eliminated a common cause of dosing errors involving blood thinning agents.