Dexamethasone can be used for the treatment of certain COVID-19 patients
| 25 September 2020 |
Dexamethasone can be used for the treatment of hospitalised COVID-19 patients requiring supplemental oxygen. This has been confirmed by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) after a review of the results from the so-called RECOVERY study on the use of dexamethasone in the treatment of COVID-19.
Second contract ensures access to a potential vaccine for COVID-19
| 25 September 2020 |
A month ago, an agreement was entered with AstraZeneca on the supply of vaccines for 2.4 million citizens in Denmark if the vaccine is approved. Now the European Commission, on behalf of the EU member states, has negotiated a second contract, potentially giving Denmark the opportunity to buy some 3.7 million vaccine doses. More contracts are on the way.
Denmark and EU part of an international vaccine alliance to ensure COVID-19 vaccines for low- and middle-income countries
| 25 September 2020 |
Denmark, the other EU countries and the European Commission have come together to support the vaccine alliance COVAX whose aim is to ensure that low- and middle-income countries have access to vaccines.
Final report on market dialogue regarding the acquisition of a future pharmacovigilance system
| 24 September 2020 |
The Danish Medicines Agency has published a report finalizing the market dialogue on the acquisition of a future pharmacovigilance system. The report contains the Danish Medicines Agency's conclusi
New data analysis: Ibuprofen does not worsen COVID-19 infection
| 09 September 2020 |
The use of ibuprofen and other pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory drugs, the so-called NSAIDs, is not associated with mortality or worsening of symptoms in patients infected with coronavirus contrary to the concerns reported by some media and social media back in March.
Emergency stocks of medicines to prevent supply problems during COVID-19
| 02 September 2020 |
To avoid supply shortages of vital medicines caused by COVID-19, the Danish Medicines Agency has from the outset of the pandemic collaborated with national pharmaceutical wholesalers and Amgros, the organisation responsible for ensuring the supply of medicines to public hospitals in Denmark.
COVID-19 drug preparedness rules extended for the rest of the year
| 02 September 2020 |
The Minister of Health has decided to extend the applicability of the executive order that lays down special rules for the drug preparedness in connection with the handling of COVID-19 to 31 December 2020.