News about us
Danish Medicines Agency aces European benchmark survey
| 19 September 2018 |
The Danish Medicines Agency has just scored 4.5 of a possible 5 in the common-European survey known as the Benchmarking of European Medicines Agencies (BEMA). ”It's a really good result that will benefit all of us and may help raise the standard throughout Europe,” said the Danish health minister.
Danish Medicines Agency lands new European chairmanship
| 20 August 2018 |
Nikolai Brun, Director of Medical Evaluation & Biostatistics, has been elected chair of the Task Force on Big Data in the pharmaceutical area. The task force is a collaboration between the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) which is to identify advantages and challenges of using big data for the development of medicine.
Danish-Japanese collaboration on better use of health data
| 02 May 2018 |
The Danish Medicines Agency met today with leading representatives from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Japanese Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency at the Danish Medicines Agency in Copenhagen. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange knowledge and experience regarding regulatory work in the pharmaceutical area, and to begin a broader collaboration between the agencies.
European top post for Thomas Senderovitz
| 02 March 2018 |
Director General of the Danish Medicines Agency, Thomas Senderovitz, was Thursday elected Chairperson of the HMA Management Group. HMA is an acronym for Heads of Medicines Agencies and is the network of the heads of the national drug regulatory authorities in Europe.