News about Licensing and supervision
Danish Medicines Agency takes tougher action to ensure the publication of clinical trial results
| 06 October 2020 |
A fine or imprisonment of up to four months is the ultimate punishment if the results from clinical trials of medicines are not published. The Danish Medicines Agency will be taking a tougher line on investigators – the so-called sponsors of clinical trials of medicines – if they do not publish the results of the trials they carry out.
Danish Medicines Agency increases communication on medicine supply
| 24 June 2020 |
The Danish Medicines Agency reinforces the communication about the supply of medicines in Denmark through announcements that will be sent out when supply problems are expected to have therapeutic consequences for the patients.
COVID-19: Regulatory guidance in connection with COVID-19 and possible impact on assessment times
| 04 June 2020 |
The European Commission, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) – a network for the national drug regulatory authorities in the EU/EEA – have prepared common regulatory guidance for marketing authorisation holders. The guidance can be used during the COVID-19 pandemic and describes situations in which the authorities will apply flexibilities during the pandemic. (updated)
The Danish Medicines Agency will be closed on 22 May 2020
| 18 May 2020 |
The Danish Medicines Agency will be closed on 22 May 2020, the day after Ascension Day. However, we process urgent applications for compassionate use permits (applications for dispensing of non-marketed medicines manufactured by pharmaceutical companies).
Compassionate use permit for Remdesivir
| 05 May 2020 |
The Danish Medicines Agency would like to inform you that it is possible to apply for a general compassionate use permit for Remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19 patients who cannot be included in one of the protocol-based clinical trials that are currently being conducted in Denmark.
Clarification on companies’ notification of supply problems to the Danish Medicines Agency
| 01 April 2020 |
The Danish Medicines Agency would like to clarify when and how companies must notify the Danish Medicines Agency of any supply problems they might experience.
Inquiries to the Danish Medicines Agency about medicines
| 27 March 2020 |
It is important to us that companies and industry associations feel they receive a prompt reply when they contact the Danish Medicines Agency.
COVID-19 and production of protective equipment: Collaboration between Danish Medicines Agency and Danish companies
| 24 March 2020 |
The Medicoindustrien, the Confederation of Danish Industry and the Danish Medicines Agency have formed a new collaboration to switch the production to gloves, lab coats, mouth shields, isolation gowns, masks and hand sanitizer.
Fast-track Approval of Clinical Trials investigating COVID-19
| 17 March 2020 |
Clinical trials investigating treatments for COVID-19 will be processed within 3 days. The processing time is extended if major objections is raised but we prioritise to have these solved immediately.
Updating of summaries of product characteristics due to changed ATC codes for 2020
| 08 January 2020 |
Marketing authorisation holders of medicinal products authorised under the national procedure, the decentralised procedure as well as the mutual recognition procedure should be aware that some ATC codes have been changed for 2020.
Good progress in Denmark-China collaboration
| 01 July 2019 |
The Danish Medicines Agency’s collaboration with the Chinese drug regulatory authorities has entered a new phase, reaching agreement on specific collaboration projects among which a project on quality control of radiopharmaceuticals.
End of day meeting on new EU recommendations on complex clinical trials at the Danish Medicines Agency
| 29 March 2019 |
The Danish Medicines Agency invites pharmaceutical companies, researchers and other interested parties to an end of day meeting on the new European recommendations on complex clinical trials which aim to support the development of personalised medicine.
Public consultation on electronic package leaflets and summaries of product characteristics across the EU
| 12 March 2019 |
What should the package leaflets and labels of medicines for citizens and the summaries of product characteristics for healthcare professionals look like in the future? A public consultation on key principles about this has been launched throughout the EU, with comments to be submitted by 31 July.
Common European recommendations establish a framework for testing medicines of the future
| 08 March 2019 |
The common European subgroup for complex clinical trials with trial subjects, which is headed by Denmark, has just published a set of recommendations for the development of personalised medicine.
New EU report on big data paves the way for action
| 01 March 2019 |
A taskforce on big data in the pharmaceutical area, the HMA-EMA Joint Big Data Taskforce, has just published its first report. The report offers a definition of big data and several recommendations for European authorities that regulate medicines and medical devices.
New data analysis centre to open at the Danish Medicines Agency
| 08 February 2019 |
The Danish government today announced its decision to support the establishment of a new data analysis centre in the Danish Medicines Agency. The centre is to handle the analysis of large data quantities in the pharmaceutical and medical devices areas and will set new standards for the monitoring of the safety and efficacy of medicines and medical devices after their marketing.
Updating of summaries of product characteristics due to changed ATC codes for 2019
| 18 January 2019 |
Marketing authorisation holders of medicinal products authorised under the national procedure, the decentralised procedure as well as the mutual recognition procedure should be aware that some ATC codes have been changed for 2019.
New format requirements for Marketing Authorization submissions from 1 January 2019
| 17 December 2018 |
The NeeS submission format will be discontinued for all applications submitted under the national procedure (NP), i.e. applications for variations, renewals etc. This change is related to medicinal products for human use. Parallel import and parallel distribution are not affected by this change.
Til lægemiddelvirksomheder: Indsend variationer inden Brexit
| 19 November 2018 |
Storbritannien betragtes som udgangspunkt som et 3. land (udenfor EU/EEA) efter Brexit den 29. marts 2019. Lægemiddelstyrelsen opfordrer derfor lægemiddelvirksomheder til at indsende variationer snarest muligt.
Theme event on big data and medicine
| 08 November 2018 |
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, The European Medicines Agency, EMA, and Novo Nordisk are among the speakers when The Danish Medicines Agency on 20 November 2018 puts focus on big data and medicine under the event heading “From Big Data to Real World Evidence”.