Notifications for the pharmaceutical industry about licensing, supervision and monitoring of medicines

  • Til lægemiddelvirksomheder: Indsend variationer inden Brexit

    | 19 November 2018 |

    Storbritannien betragtes som udgangspunkt som et 3. land (udenfor EU/EEA) efter Brexit den 29. marts 2019. Lægemiddelstyrelsen opfordrer derfor lægemiddelvirksomheder til at indsende variationer snarest muligt.

  • Theme event on big data and medicine

    | 08 November 2018 |

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, The European Medicines Agency, EMA, and Novo Nordisk are among the speakers when The Danish Medicines Agency on 20 November 2018 puts focus on big data and medicine under the event heading “From Big Data to Real World Evidence”.

  • Three research projects to increase our knowledge of medicinal cannabis

    | 01 November 2018 |

    Three projects have just been granted funds to give us more knowledge about the efficacy of medicinal cannabis. A total of DKK 5 million have been distributed of the funds that were appropriated by the negotiating parliamentary parties under the special funds agreement 2018-2021 to accumulate scientific knowledge of medicinal cannabis.