Consultation on the Reimbursement Committee’s recommendation concerning the reimbursement status of medicines for treatment of depression and anxiety (medicines in ACT group N06A, etc.)

06 May 2011
At the Danish Medicines Agency’s request, the Reimbursement Committee has reassessed the reimbursement status of medicines in ATC group N06A, antidepressants, as well as certain medicines in ATC groups N03A, N05A and N05B.

The overall recommendation of the Reimbursement Committee is that the general reimbursement for the more expensive treatment alternatives – which are generally not the first choice of treatment (i.e. medicines containing pregabalin, quetiapine, buspirone, imipramine, fluvoxamine, escitalopram, isocarboxazid, reboxetine, agomelatine and duloxetine) should be reserved to patients who cannot be treated adequately or cannot tolerate the less expensive treatment options (general conditional reimbursement).

Please find a link to the Reimbursement Committee’s recommendation of 3 May 2011 to the right (in Danish only).

During the review, the Danish Medicines Agency has received written contributions from several stakeholders, which the Reimbursement Committee has included in its assessments.

On 5 May 2011, the Danish Medicines Agency launched a consultation with the companies whose medicines are comprised by the Committee’s recommendation. A copy of the Danish Medicines Agency’s letter can be found in the box to the right (in Danish only).

The consultation is open until 15 August 2011.

The relevant scientific societies and patient organisations as well as the Danish National Board of Health and the Institute for Rational Pharmacotherapy will be consulted concurrently according to the list in the box to the right (in Danish only).