About the page Medicinpriser.dk
What information can I search for on Medicinpriser?
Medicinpriser.dk provides updated information on prices of medicines and the reimbursement available for the individual medicinal product.
Price and package details are updated every 14 days, while reimbursements are updated daily.
On Medicinpriser.dk, you can find information on:
- The current price and price development since 1998.
- Whether the reimbursement is provided for the medicinal product and if the reimbursement applies to the actual price or just to the reimbursement price.
- Whether the medicine can be substituted with an identical, possibly cheaper, product.
- The product number and ATC code (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical code).
- The company distributing the medicine in Denmark.
- Available packaging sizes and forms (e.g., tablets, capsules, mixtures, drops).
- Whether the medicine is available over-the-counter or requires a prescription (see dispensing group).
- Whether the medicine may affect your ability to, for example, drive a vehicle (
You cannot search for information on:
- Medicines available only abroad.
- Herbal medicines or high-strength vitamin and mineral supplements.
- Certain medications for animals, such as iron supplements.
Where can I see if a medicine is reimbursed?
On Medicinpriser.dk, you can see if a prescription or over-the-counter medicine has general reimbursement or conditional (restricted) reimbursement.
●: indicates the medicine has general reimbursement.
⨂: indicates the medicine has conditional reimbursement.
■: indicates an over-the-counter medication has conditional reimbursement.
*: indicates a special reimbursement for medicinal cannabis under the pilot programme.
If there is no symbol, the medicine does not have reimbursement. In most cases where a medicinal product does not have general or conditional reimbursement, a doctor can apply for an individual reimbursement.
The reimbursement symbol is found in the column "Reimbursement calculated from (eur.)".
Prescription-only medicine
For prescription-only medicine, the "Pharmacy Retail Price (eur.)" column shows the total price per package, including the prescription fee and any applicable finishing fee. This price may be subject to additional fees at the pharmacy, such as a telephone prescription fee if the prescription is phoned in.
The "Reimbursement calculated from (eur.)" column shows the price from which the general or conditional reimbursement is calculated.
The calculated reimbursement is subtracted from the amount listed in the "Pharmacy Retail Price (eur.)" column to determine the cost for the patient (your co-payment).
For further information on other reimbursement options, please see "Reimbursement and prices".
Over-the-Counter Medicines in Dispensing Group HA
For over-the-counter medicines in dispensing group HA, the "Pharmacy Retail Price (eur.)" column shows the total price, including the prescription fee, when purchased on a prescription. Additional charges may apply at the pharmacy, such as a telephone prescription fee.
The "Reimbursement calculated from (eur.)" column displays the price used for calculating any conditional reimbursement, provided the condition is noted on the prescription.
The calculated reimbursement is deducted at the pharmacy from the amount listed in the "Pharmacy Retail Price (eur.)" column to determine the amount you will need to pay yourself for the medicine (your co-payment).
If the medicine is purchased without a prescription, the prescription fee + VAT can be deducted from the price listed in the "Pharmacy Retail Price (eur.)" column. No reimbursement is granted for over-the-counter medicine purchased without a prescription.
Over-the-Counter Medicines in Dispensing Group HF or HX
The Danish Medicines Agency does not have price information for over-the-counter medicines in dispensing group HF or HX because pharmacies and stores selling these medicines set their own prices.
Typically, general reimbursements are not provided for over-the-counter medicines sold via prescription. Therefore, prices are generally not listed in the "Reimbursement calculated from (eur.)" column.
Certain over-the-counter medicines may receive a conditional reimbursement if prescribed and the prescribing physician has determined that the patient meets the condition. These medications are marked with ■, and reimbursement are based on the individual pharmacy's price.
Veterinary medicines
Veterinary medicines can be searched by ticking the "Search in veterinary medicinal products" box.
For prescription-only medicines for companion animals (dispensing group B and AP4) and production and companion animals (dispensing group APK and BPK), the "Pharmacy Retail Price (eur.)" column indicates the total price, including prescription fees. Additional fees, such as a splitting fee, may apply at the pharmacy.
For over-the-counter medicines for companion animals (dispensing group HA) and production and companion animals (dispensing group HPK), the "Pharmacy Retail Price (eur.)" column shows the total price, including prescription fees, when purchased with a prescription. If purchased without a prescription, the prescription fee + VAT can be deducted from the listed price.
There is no fixed price for medicines solely for production animals (dispensing group BP and PRMIX) or non-pharmacy-restricted medicines for both production and companion animals (dispensing group HP and HV). The Danish Medicines Agency does not have price information for these medications.
No public reimbursements are available for veterinary medicine, so the "Reimbursement calculated from (eur.)" column is not displayed when "Search in veterinary medicinal products " is selected.