Side effects from veterinary medicines

Updated 16 December 2022

Any suspected side effects from veterinary medicinal products should be reported to the Danish Medicines Agency. This includes known and unknown adverse reactions. It should also be reported to the Danish Medicines Agency if a human experience an unintended reaction after contact with a veterinary medicinal product or if an adverse reaction is observed in an animal after treatment with a human medicinal product.

The report must be based on suspected side effects. We do not expect an evaluation of the causal relationship between use of the medicinal product and the unintended reaction. However, the attending veterinarian is encouraged to state if they believe there is a causal relationship.


Read more about side effects from veterinary medicinal products: Reporting side effects from veterinary medicines

If you want to report a side effect related to a veterinary medicinal product, please use one of the below forms.

Please note that you can report side effects both in animals and humans who have been in contact with a veterinary medicinal product. You can also report lack of efficacy of a veterinary medicinal product or suspicion of residues or an environmental impact after having used a veterinary medicinal product.

Fill in all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the form. However, we encourage you to fill in as many of the non-mandatory fields as possible. This will help us assess the report.

When we receive the form, we will send you a receipt. We will contact you when we have assessed your form.


If you want to report a side effect related to a veterinary medicinal product, please use the form below.

Please note that you can report side effects both in animals and humans who have been in contact with a veterinary medicinal product. You can also report side effects in animals who have received human medicinal product. You can also report lack of efficacy of a veterinary medicinal product or suspicion of residues in meat, egg or milk or an environmental impact after having used a veterinary medicinal product.

Fill in all the fields marked with an asterisk (*) in the form. However, we encourage you to fill in as many of the non-mandatory fields as possible. This will help in the assessment of the report.

When we receive the form, we will send you a receipt. For more information visit the European overview of reported adverse events:

Report suspected adverse reaction in animals after the administration of veterinary or human drugs. Report reaction in a human after exposure to veterinary drugs (in Danish, opens in a new window)