
Updated 17 September 2020

All Danish acts, executive orders, circulars, etc. are available at retsinformation.dk – the Danish national system for legal texts.

This is a free service where you can search in all acts and rules issued by Danish ministries and central government agencies in Denmark. Current and historic legal texts are available.

Rules and legislation for the Danish Ministry of Health at retsinformation.dk (in Danish) 

Danish subscription to searches in the web version of the Danish official gazette, lovtidende.dk

All Danish national acts and rules are published in Lovtidende - the Danish national gazette. You can stay updated by subscribing to searches in lovtidende.dk (in Danish)

You can define your search based on keywords, document type and/or relevant sphere (e.g. the Danish Ministry of Health), and you will receive an email when new documents are published in Lovtidende based on your search criteria.

Consultations are published on 'Høringsportalen’

Consultations on proposals of public interest to amend acts, executive orders etc. in the area of the Danish Medicines Agency are published at Høringsportalen – a Danish consultation portal. All information is in Danish.

At Høringsportalen, you can subscribe to announcements in Danish on consultations via email or via RSS feeds.

EU law

European Union law is the essential legal basis for our activities. You can find applicable EU law and other documents at the EUR-Lex website

EUR-Lex is available in all official languages of the European Union.