Notices on the supply of medicine
The Danish Medicines Agency publishes current and upcoming supply shortages for human and veterinary medicines. An overview of products that cannot be supplied by the company, as well as the expected time period and cause of the shortage, is published on our webpage on an ongoing basis.
The notices concern supply shortages that are expected to affect the treatment of patients in Denmark. This means supply shortages of medicines that are expected, at some point, to be neither available in other package sizes nor as directly substitutable medicines.
The Danish Medicines Agency receives information about supply shortages, and the duration of the shortage period, from the company that has the marketing authorization for the medicine, but the patient will not necessarily experience shortage of the medicine for the entire period listed, because the stock at wholesalers and pharmacies have not been taken into account.
Questions about the current supply status should be directed to the company, as the notices are not in general updated after publication.