Keep up with the latest updates on our website
| 27 October 2017 |
Now you can keep up with all updates on the Danish Medicines Agency's website and not only our news items. You can filter the overview by category and month, and the overview is structured in chronological order with the latest update first. You can find a shortcut to the overview on our home page.
Self-selection of OTC medicines for human use
| 25 October 2017 |
On 1 January 2018, new rules on self-selection of OTC medicines become effective. With the change in law, certain OTC medicines will be available for self-selection, which means that they can be sold from shop areas and not only at the counter.
The Danish Medicines Agency contributes to review of Chinese medicines act
| 10 October 2017 |
On Monday 9 October, a Chinese delegation headed by Xu Jinghe visited the Danish Medicines Agency. Xu Jinghe is Director General of the CFDA's Department of Legal Affairs and one of the main architects of the renewal of the Chinese medicines legislation.
DKMA Update October 2017
| 10 October 2017 |
In this issue of DKMA Update, you can read about the decision to change the dispensing status of a number of opioids, about the new guidelines on medicinal cannabis for doctors, and about the executive order on the import of cannabis products.
Collection of scientific experience for medicinal cannabis pilot programme
| 05 October 2017 |
One or more research projects should be carried out for the purpose of gathering scientific experience on medicinal cannabis. The projects will form part of the medicinal cannabis pilot programme.