The Danish Medicines Agency is replacing its register of medicines
The Danish Medicines Agency´s current register of medicines – called KAT – is being replaced with a new and improved register.
The new register is built on a Microsoft Dynamic CRM-platform and has been named “LEOPARD”, which is an abbreviation for “The Danish Medicines Agency´s Electronic Information- Packaging and Address-register for Denmark”.
LEOPARD is scheduled to be implemented on November 23, 2020
Servicewindow from Thursday 19th of November until Monday 23rd of November – NOTE: no access to DKMAnet
During the implementation of LEOPARD there will be no access to DKMAnet, also data on eg. will not be updated. The servicewindow is scheduled from Thursday 19th of November at 1300 hours until Monday the 23rd of November at 1300 hours.
These services and data will not be available and updated during the servicewindow:
Approval and control
- Approval of drugs
- Deregistration of medicines via DKMAnet
- Upload of leaflets to DKMAnet
- Application for parallel import via DKMAnet
- Company-authorisations
- Company authorisations (GMP, GDP, EDF and GLP)
- Company authorisations for retail sale of medicines
- Clinical Trials
- Clinical trials (application and information about clinical trials)
Side effects and product information
- Follow-up on reports of side effects to medicines
Pharmacies and sale of medicines
- Application to obtain authorization for shops outside the pharmacies to sell over-the-counter medicines
Reimbursement and prices
- Application for general reimbursement via DKMAnet
- Notification and follow-up of prices and range via DKMAnet
Servicewindow 19th of November – 23rd of November – NOTE: there will be no recalculation of subsidy-prices
- No daily update of subsidy-prices
- No new LMS-files at og
- No update on subsidy-prices and delivery-failures at og
If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the contact-person for the specific area. Contact-information is available at