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Publications 2008

  • Performance contract 2008

    | 19 December 2008 |

  • Report on the blood product area in 2007

    | 13 October 2008 |

    The blood product report is published every year based on figures from the Danish blood centres and the Blood-donors in Denmark.

  • Product defects and withdrawal of medicinal products in 2007

    | 19 May 2008 |

    In 2007, 202 reports about medicinal product defects were registered, which is basically on level with 2006. 28 % of these reports resulted in a withdrawal from the Danish market, which is exactly the same proportion as the year before.

  • Survey of pharmaceutical companies' satisfaction with the Danish Medicines Agency

    | 19 September 2008 |

    The research company Capacent Epinion has asked pharmaceutical companies to indicate their level of satisfaction with the Danish Medicines Agency. A total of 40 companies participated in the survey, which was carried out in May to June 2008.

  • Danish Medicines Agency annual accounts 2007

    | 22 April 2008 |

    In 2007, the Danish Medicines Agency achieved a target performance of 93.9 per cent in respect of the targets set out in the performance contract with the Danish Ministry of Health and Prevention, corresponding to a fulfillment of three in every four sub-requirements. Overall, we assess that we delivered good technical results in 2007, among other things, based on the fact that the most strategically important performance requirements were fulfilled.

  • Danish Medicines Agency annual report 2007

    | 10 September 2008 |

    The annual report 2007 takes you through important activities within the Danish Medicines Agency in 2007. On a number of theme pages, we also tell about projects that strengthen our cooperation with the business sector, our relations to consumers and our involvement in European development.