Import and export
Import certificates and an export certificates are required for all consignments of euphoriant substances which cross national borders.
Read more about import and export certificates in “Virksomhed med euforiserende stoffer” (activities with euphoriant substances).
Applications for import and export certificates are furnished to the Danish Medicines Agency via NDS Web (National Drug Control System Web).
NDSWEB is quick and easy to use. It allows you to monitor the status of new applications and provides an overview of previously obtained certificates. NDS Web allows documents to be attached, both in the application process and in the reporting of endorsements.
To access NDS Web, you must hold a valid company authorization to import and/or export euphoriant substances. For more information on how to gain access and use NDS Web please refer to the “Quickguides” which are linked below.
If you have any questions about NDS Web, please send an email.
NDS Web:
1. Quickguide brugeroprettelse (User Creation)
2. Quickguide ansøgning om import certifikater (Request import authorizations)
3. Quickguide formular til ansøgning om eksport certifikater (Request export authorizations)
4. Quickguide registrering af genparter (Endorsements) (Register endorsements)
5. Quickguide oprettelse af lægemidler (Preparations) (Request new preparations)
6. Quickguide oprettelse af virksomheder (Establishments) (Request new establishments)
7. Quickguide tilføjelse af favoritter (Add favourite euphoriant substances)
NDSWEB brugervejledning (NDS Web User Manual)
NDSWEB flow (NDS Web application flow)
Fees for euphoriant substances