Medicines authorised with a summary of the risk management plan (sRMP)

In connection with the approval of a risk management plan for a medicinal product for human use, a summary of the risk management plan for the medicinal product is prepared and made publicly available in accordance with the pharmacovigilance legislation which came into force in July 2012.

The summary is prepared by the marketing authorisation holder and approved by the Danish Medicines Agency. On the EMA's website, you can find the summaries of risk management plans for medicinal products with an authorisation granted under the Centralised Procedure.

You can find the summaries of risk management plans by searching for the product name or the active substance.

You can also find a summary of risk management plan by clicking the first letter of the relevant product name below.

Since medicinal products sometimes change names there can be divergent names in the summary of the risk management plan and on this website.

The name on the website will always be the most recently approved name for the product.

The name in the summary of the risk management plan can be a previously approved name of the product or the name(s) of the active substance(s).

Product Name Pharmaceutical Form Strength Active Substance Approval Date
Imatinib "Cipla" kapsler, hårde; 100 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 01/05/2015
Imatinib "Cipla" kapsler, hårde; 400 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 01/05/2015
Imatinib "Krka d.d." filmovertrukne tabletter; 100 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 13/06/2022
Imatinib "Krka d.d." filmovertrukne tabletter; 400 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 13/06/2022
Imatinib "Sandoz" filmovertrukne tabletter; 100 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 14/10/2015
Imatinib "Sandoz" filmovertrukne tabletter; 400 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 14/10/2015
Imatinib "Stada" kapsler, hårde; 100 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 16/06/2016
Imatinib "Stada" filmovertrukne tabletter; 100 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 27/05/2015
Imatinib "Stada" kapsler, hårde; 400 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 16/06/2016
Imatinib "Stada" filmovertrukne tabletter; 400 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 27/05/2015
Imatinib "STADA" filmovertrukne tabletter; 600 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 04/05/2021
Imatinib "Viatris" filmovertrukne tabletter; 100 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 02/09/2016
Imatinib "Viatris" filmovertrukne tabletter; 400 mg IMATINIBMESILAT 02/09/2016
Imaxi pulver til oral suspension; 50 mg/ml AMOXICILLINTRIHYDRAT 18/01/2019
Imodium tabletter; 2 mg LOPERAMIDHYDROCHLORID 21/10/2023
Imodium Plus tabletter; 2 mg + 125 mg LOPERAMIDHYDROCHLORID, SIMETICON 21/10/2023
Imodium Smelt frysetørret tablet; 2 mg LOPERAMIDHYDROCHLORID 21/10/2023
Imogas kapsler, bløde; 240 mg SIMETICON 27/07/2018
Imolope tabletter; 2 mg LOPERAMIDHYDROCHLORID 18/05/2018
Imolopesim tabletter; 2+125 mg LOPERAMIDHYDROCHLORID, SIMETICON 14/07/2015
Inatord injektionsvæske, opløsning i fyldt pen; 6 mg/ml Liraglutid 12/06/2024
Inegy tabletter; 10 mg+10 mg EZETIMIB, SIMVASTATIN 10/07/2017
Inegy tabletter; 10 mg+20 mg EZETIMIB, SIMVASTATIN 10/07/2017
Inegy tabletter; 10 mg+40 mg EZETIMIB, SIMVASTATIN 10/07/2017
Inegy tabletter; 10 mg+80 mg EZETIMIB, SIMVASTATIN 10/07/2017
Infilea shampoo; 500 mikrogram/g Clobetasolpropionat 14/09/2023
Influvac injektionsvæske, suspension, fyldt injektionssprøjte; A/Darwin/9/2021 (H3N2) - lignende stamme (A/Darwin/9/2021, SAN-010), A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09 - lignende stamme (A/Victoria/4897/2022 IVR-238) (inaktiveret), B/Austria/1359417/2021 - lignende stamme (B/Austria/1359417/2021 BVR-26) (inaktiveret) 15/05/2024
Influvactetra injektionsvæske, suspension, fyldt injektionssprøjte; A/Darwin/9/2021 (H3N2) - lignende stamme (A/Darwin/9/2021, IVR-228), A/Victoria/4897/2022 (H1N1)pdm09 - lignende stamme (A/Victoria/4897/2022 IVR-238) (inaktiveret), B/Austria/1359417/2021 - lignende stamme (B/Michigan/01/2021, vildtype), B/Phuket/3073/2013-lignende stamme (B/Phuket/3073/2013, vild type) 18/03/2019
Injexate injektionsvæske, opløsning i fyldt injektionssprøjte; 50 mg/ml METHOTREXAT 01/10/2015
Innohep injektionsvæske, opløsning i fyldt injektionssprøjte; 10.000 anti-Xa IE TINZAPARINNATRIUM 12/01/2018
Innohep injektionsvæske, opløsning; 10.000 anti-Xa IE/ml TINZAPARINNATRIUM 10/02/2017
Innohep injektionsvæske, opløsning i fyldt injektionssprøjte; 12.000 anti-Xa IE TINZAPARINNATRIUM 12/01/2018
Innohep injektionsvæske, opløsning i fyldt injektionssprøjte; 14.000 anti-Xa IE TINZAPARINNATRIUM 12/01/2018
Innohep injektionsvæske, opløsning i fyldt injektionssprøjte; 16.000 anti-Xa IE TINZAPARINNATRIUM 12/01/2018
Innohep injektionsvæske, opløsning i fyldt injektionssprøjte; 18.000 anti-Xa IE TINZAPARINNATRIUM 12/01/2018
Innohep injektionsvæske, opløsning; 20.000 anti-Xa IE/ml TINZAPARINNATRIUM 12/01/2018
Innohep injektionsvæske, opløsning i fyldt injektionssprøjte; 8.000 anti-Xa IE TINZAPARINNATRIUM 12/01/2018
Innovair inhalationsspray, opløsning; 100+6 mikrog./dosis BECLOMETASONDIPROPIONAT, FORMOTEROLFUMARAT DIHYDRAT 01/03/2017
Innovair inhalationsspray, opløsning; 200+6 mikrog./dosis BECLOMETASONDIPROPIONAT, FORMOTEROLFUMARAT DIHYDRAT 15/07/2015
Innovair Nexthaler inhalationspulver; 100+6 mikrog./dosis BECLOMETASONDIPROPIONAT, FORMOTEROLFUMARAT DIHYDRAT 06/10/2017
Instillido gel; 20 mg/ml Lidocainhydrochloridmonohydrat 03/11/2021
Intestat tabletter; 10 mg EZETIMIB 31/07/2020
Invicorp injektionsvæske, opløsning; 25 mikrogram+2 mg Aviptadil, Phentolaminmesilat 21/02/2020
Ipinzan filmovertrukne tabletter; 50+1000 mg METFORMINHYDROCHLORID, Vildagliptin 20/10/2021
Ipinzan filmovertrukne tabletter; 50+850 mg METFORMINHYDROCHLORID, Vildagliptin 20/10/2021
Ipratropium/salbutamol "Orion" inhalationsvæske til nebulisator, opløsning, enkeltdosisbeholder; 0,5+2,5 mg/beholder IPRATROPIUMBROMID, SALBUTAMOLSULFAT 10/09/2014
Ipratropiumbromid/Salbutamol "Neutec" inhalationsvæske til nebulisator, opløsning; 0,5+2,5 mg IPRATROPIUMBROMIDMONOHYDRAT, SALBUTAMOLSULFAT 11/05/2023