New chair of PhVWP-V
| 20 December 2016 |
Lisbet Vesterager Borge, veterinarian, has been elected chair of the European Pharmacovigilance Working Party Veterinary (PhVWP-V).
Zinc oxide for young pigs to be phased out
| 19 December 2016 |
The European Medicines Agency's Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP) has recommended to the European Commission that medicinal products containing zinc oxide for the prevention of diarrhoea in young pigs should be withdrawn from the market.
The Danish Medicines Agency launches new strategy
| 15 December 2016 |
The Danish Medicines Agency: Among Europe's best in class! This is our vision and we are now launching a strategy for how we are going to achieve the vision.
Phasing-out of the NeeS format for applications for marketing authorisations of medicinal products
| 12 December 2016 |
Due to an increasing number of requests, we would like to point out the phasing-out plan for NeeS and the transition to eCTD/VNeeS as outlined in the eSubmission Roadmap. The format requirements apply to applications for marketing authorisations for medicinal products as well as maintenance of these (variations, renewals etc.). The changes do not apply to parallel import and parallel distribution.
Danish Pharmacovigilance Update, November 2016
| 09 December 2016 |
The November issue of Danish Pharmacovigilance Update.
Interactive Adverse Drug Reaction overviews
| 08 December 2016 |
The Danish Medicines Agency has launched a new web-based database that researchers and other interested parties can use to search for reported suspected adverse reactions.