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  • Report on action against the sale of illegal medicinal products on the internet 2007

    | 03 December 2007 |

    In September and October 2007, the Danish Medicines Agency launched an internet action against illegal medicinal products sold on the internet. The action was targeted at 86 products classified

  • Danish Medicines Agency annual report 2006

    | 12 September 2007 |

    In the report for 2006, we have chosen to bring you samples of how we put our values into practice in our daily activities. Read more about how we have been competent, trustworthy, attentive, receptive and European from the fact box to the right.

  • Danes' buying of medicine on the internet and abroad – survey

    | 11 September 2007 |

    A recent survey conducted by the Danish Medicines Agency maintains that there is limited knowledge among the Danish people about the rules applicable to and the risks associated with buying medicine on the internet and abroad.

  • Product defects and withdrawal of medicinal products in 2006

    | 26 July 2007 |

    In 2006 there were more reports on product defects compared with 2005. The reports concerned both marketed and non-marketed medicinal products. including magistral medicinal products which are manufactured according to a doctor's directions.

  • Danish Medicines Agency annual accounts 2006

    | 17 April 2007 |

    The Danish Medicines Agency's performance contract with the Ministry of the Interior and Health for 2006 comprises 12 targets made up of 28 performance requirements and 58 sub-requirements. Furthermore, the performance contract includes one focus area.

  • Applications for individual reimbursement of medicinal products in 2006

    | 12 April 2007 |

    In 2006, the Danish Medicines Agency reviewed some 106.700 applications for single reimbursement (down 4% on 2005), apporx. 14.600 applications for reimbursement for the chronically ill (down 37 % on 2005), approx. 9.200 applications for reimbursement for the terminally ill (same level as in 2005) and approx. 2.700 applications for increased reimbursement (same level as in 2005, cf. table 1 below).

  • Investigation of pharmacy discounts

    | 09 February 2007 |

    Based on an approach from the Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Lif) in February 2006, the Ministry of the Interior and Health requested the Danish Medicines Agency to investigate whether any new discount arrangements were introduced in 2006 contrary to the rules in that area.

  • Report on action against the sale of illegal medicinal products on the internet

    | 22 December 2006 |

    In November/December 2006, the Danish Medicines Agency carried out an internet action against the illegal sale of medicinal products over the internet. The action primarily focused on potency and diet products.

  • Product defects and withdrawal of medicinal products in 2005

    | 15 November 2006 |

    In 2005, there was almost the same number of reports on product defects as in 2004. The reports comprised both marketed and non-marketed medicinal products, including magistral medicinal products, which are manufactured according to a doctor's prescription.

  • Account of the blood product area in 2005

    | 21 September 2006 |

    The account contains figures about the collection of blood from donors and the use of the blood collected. The account is published annually based on figures from blood centres and the Blood-donors in Denmark.

  • Danish Medicines Agency annual report 2005

    | 29 August 2006 |

    The effort on ensuring consumer safety became very visible in the spring of 2005 when we decided to set up an individual division under this heading. Enhancing the safety of medicine users will also be the result of the new Medicines Act which entered into force in December.

  • Examination of single reimbursement for medicinal products

    | 31 July 2006 |

    On behalf of Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), Tranberg Marketing Rekommandation has examined general practitioners' knowledge, experience and attitude to single reimbursement for medicine ("Praktiserende lægers kendskab, erfaring og holdning til enkelttilskud til medicin"). The examination is based on telephone interviews with 282 general practitioners.