Notification of prices and range via DKMAnet

Updated 10 March 2025

The Danish Medicines Agency receives electronic notifications of medicine prices and changes in product range via DKMAnet, which is our password-protected extranet.

You can find user manuals, questions and answers and other material about DKMAnet - Prices & Packages in the menu.

How to gain access to DKMAnet

Each user of DKMAnet must use a digital certificate for identification in order to log on to the system. Employees in Danish companies must use MitID Erhverv. MitID Erhverv can be ordered via the MitID Erhverv website.

Users employed in companies that do not have a Danish company registration (CVR) number must be issued a Closed User Group (CUG) certificate from the Danish Medicines Agency.
Order for Closed User Group Certificate (CUG) for log-on to DKMAnet

In addition, each user must have a user account on DKMAnet - with information about the certificate - specifying which data and functionality the user can access.

The company must start by appointing a security administrator for DKMAnet (see the form in the box). The Danish Medicines Agency will create the user account for the security administrator.

The security administrator may then create user accounts for any additional users that the company would like to have on DKMAnet and specify their access rights.

Support for Prices & Packages

If you experience any problems when submitting notifications via Prices & Packages, please contact DKMAnet Support for Prices & Packages on +45 44 88 96 94 or by email to Send an email

The support for DKMAnet Medicine prices is open daily from 9.00am to 3.00pm on +45 44 88 96 94.

In addition to the national holidays, the Danish Medicines Agency is closed on the day after Ascension Day, the Danish Constitution Day (5 June) and between Christmas and New Year.