Package and range: Deadlines for notification of prices and range

Updated 01 May 2017

All notifications about changes in prices and range must be submitted in time via DKMAnet - Prices & Packages, i.e. before 8.00pm on every other Monday, 14 days before the beginning of a new price period.

The new notification period starts every other Monday at 8.00pm, so any notifications that you make after this time will not become effective until the next price period. You are responsible for the information you enter, and we remind you that after the notification deadline, you can no longer correct errors.

On every other Thursday morning, it will appear from DKMAnet - Prices & Packages whether your notification has been accepted or refused. A refused notification could occur if you have notified a price change that is too small or if you have failed to notify your supply capacity. If you notify a supply capacity that is too small in connection with a price change, the package will be deactivated from 'Medicine Prices' (the list of prices etc. of medicines).